From: Neil Maness
I am looking
for a sensor to non-contact detect the presence of 60 Hz AC voltage
in a jacketed wire.
The application is to detect the presence or absence of voltage
on the Mains of a generator/utility transfer switch into a facility.
I need a sensor that I can permanently fasten externally to
the conductor jacket and not need to touch the high voltage conductor.
Line voltages range from 115 vac to 480 vac. The sensor will
be connected to a SCADA monitoring system DC input point to tell
the Owner when utility power is present or that the facility
is being powered from the generator. Most sensors try to eliminate
the 60 Hz as noise but that is the property I am trying to detect.
Neil Maness
Tel: 501-520-7242

From: Roger
I need a sensor
to identify the locations of different points of impact on a
metal plate. I envision a film sensor attached or glued to the
back surface of a metal face plate. The face plate would be impacted
by a round object at about 2000 to 4000 psi creating a temporary
bend or deflected spot of about 1/4 to 3/8 diameter. The
sensor on the back face of the metal plate would detect the temporary
deflection spot and impose its location on a pre-programmed
mapping templet. This information would be sent wireless to a
cell phone where it could be viewed on a similar mapping templet.
The impacts would be singular events, but would be repeatable
many, many times over the life of the product.
The sensor would have to meet outdoor environmental conditions,
although it would be permanently enclosed.
The face metal plate would be about 8 square inches in area and
about 1/16 thick.
There would be space in the enclosed area for small battery and
other necessary small hardware capable of vibration if required.
I am very interested in a referral to a company that has or can
produce a sensor as above.
I would also entertain a freelance project or a equity
position participation.
Please contact me at:
Roger Scharf
Ph: 1-904-874-9080
Florida, USA 33417

Hello, I am trying
to measure the gap between a .085 rod face to a tapered circular
wedge in a small assembly. We are trying to monitor/measure the
smallest gap between the 2 components. The range we need to measure
is .004 +/-.002.
Is there a touchless/non
touchless instrument that can measure this gap ?
Steve Staiano
Parker FSD
Smithtown NY

From: David Jenkin
I have an application for a vibration sensor mounted on a 9.0m
dia. Drilling machine. This sensor is to detect any vibration
as result of the drill bit rotating between 1 and 5 RPM. The
total rotating mass is 250 Te.
The idea is to use the vibration levels to control the rotation
parameters and the force imported to the drill bit face.
This process is called collaring the hole. This control
has to be maintained until the drill bit has been stabilised
at sufficient depth to support the drill bit.
I believe a secondary sensor mounted on the rig frame will measure
the background vibration so that the true oscillation of the
drilling operation can be assessed.
I admit my experience with vibration or accelerometer sensors
is basic, so any help I can get a.s.a.p. will be greatly appreciated.
The control system works on 24v dc and 0 -20 mAmp. Please contact
me at my office e-mail address
Lead Design Engineer - Fluids & Control

From: Mehmet AKBULUT
I am writing
you in regards to infrared temperature measurement sensor.
Our inquiry is about the products as listed below:
* Temperature
range between 0 100 °C. Or, anything closer
* Output 0
10 V or 0 5
* USB Programming
* Power supply:
5-30 V DC
I would appreciate
if you could advice product/products similar to the above specifications.
In addition to that, please include the stock availability as
we need more quantity.
Looking forward
to your reply,
Best Regards,
- Director / Industrial Engineer
Address: Str. Han Presiyan No:11, 4003 Plovdiv / Bulgaria
Tel: +359 32 207 234 - Mobile: +359 879 339 903

From: Tim D'Adam
Hi Mike,
I was wondering if you might be able to provide me with some
options for the measurement of cryogenic fluids using ultrasonic
To provide you with some background on the application I have
included a sketch which provides the basic properties of the
system. The idea is to take periodic point measurements every
10-15 minutes of the helium-4 superfluid level with an accuracy
of ~2 mm if possible. The sensor can be mounted at the base or
top of the chamber or alternatively be suspended in the gas flow
if necessary. The use of multiple sensors arranged vertically
to detect immersion is also a possibility.
As noted in the diagram the sensor must be capable of functioning
at temperatures as low as 1.3 Kelvin, survive thermal cycling
to/from 300 K and be vacuum compatible.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Tim D'Adam
Services for
Advanced Neutron Environment
Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin (ILL)
71, avenue des Martyrs - CS 20156
38042 Grenoble cedex 9 - France
+33 (0)4 76 20 72 58

From: Joe Stevik
Dear Mr. Coope,
I hope you dont mind this very out-of-the-blue email, but
I came across your site as I was looking for resources to help
me determine whether a particular metal alloy (zirconium based
bulk metallic glass) would be appropriate as a sensor diaphragm
material. Your site contained some wonderful information about
sensors, but I was wondering if you might know of any laboratories,
individuals, or groups that specialize in materials research
targeting the sensor industry.
I apologize if this information is already on your website somewhere,
but the closest match I could find was a group called Invasens,
and it wasnt clear whether they would be interested in
qualifying new alloys for sensor applications.
If you are able
to point me toward someone who might be interested in this kind
of work, I would be greatly appreciative. I believe there may
be a future for this material in sensor applications, but would
love to measure some raw data to show that there is a reason
to pursue the application further.
Thanks very much
for your time!
Joseph W. Stevick,
PhD - Principal Scientist
Liquidmetal Technologies, 20321 Valencia Circle, Lake Forest,
CA 92630
Ph: 949.635.2105 Email:

From: Stephen Need
I have two applications
for use in industrial research.
First I would
like to map the pressure distribution on impeller blade in a
stir tank. I would like to mouth the sensors on the blades then
coat it in polyurethane. Additionally I would like to measure
the vibrations along the shaft connected to the impeller.
Second I would
I like to map the pressure distribution inside of a ball mill.
I was think of
using tactile sensors for the pressure mapping. If your could
help me with choosing the required sensors and a quote for these
applications I would be very thankful.

From: Jim Shontz
I am a development engineer for Whirlpool Appliances and I have
a situation I need to address involving some small electric motors.
I need to be able to measure the gap between the rotor and the
stator of the motor while it is going down the assembly line
to final test. If the gap is to small, less than 0.005, I need
the motor pulled off the line.
Are you aware of any technology or supplier that can help supply
this type of measurement?
Jim Shontz

From: Jean Bousin
I am
Jean of Soytouch, my company in south of France is working in
grains storaging.
We start a first
automatisation of our process and we require partners for long
terms to buy our sensor and equipments.
PLEASE : If you
dont sell this sensors but an other type ==> send your catalogue
of sensors and others equipements for our futures projects
This first project
is named : GLS (grain levels sensors )

This project
is to see on a screen the level of grain in 5 tanks of grain.
sensor transmit to plc, plc to screen the level of grain. Localisation
of each components aerien map :
5 sensors, working 4-20mA although the software for sensors with
RS485 will be fasted wire to connect all adaptors to connect
to plc
plc screen
a good price and very good quality.
Sensors infos :
yes, the most important is to do according environnement of sensor.
- in tank of grains of 50 tons
- in temperature from -10 °c to 40° c,
- resistant of strong humidity ( rain , water condensation )
- very strong dust environment
- level of beans in tank is not flat but pyramidal to the top
( when we fill the tank) to the bottom when we are emptying the
- density of grains is 0,70 %
-humidity of grains is 12%
- a good mix between good price and good quality would be perfect
- a technology that your team know correctly would be the best,
to make sure of any surprise.
- long distance to cover between sensors and plc + 200 meters
( counting the cable detours, not in a straight line)
PLEASE : send
price offer for requirements (including price until france TOULOUSE)+
time to get it after order + if in stock + sheet specifications
of each products . Also please send your catalogue of sensors
and others equipments for our futures projects.
PS : if you have
sensor 4-20mA & RS485 please send 2 differents price
merci beaucoup
Jean Bousin - Business Relations
Les Silos du Touch SARL
att Jean Bousin, Route de Bérat,
31430 Pouy de Touges, France
Skype : Soy'touch
Phone : +33 650 072 139
Tel : +33 561 870 578
Fax : +33 561 938 791

From: Carrick Hill
Hi Im
trying to find a sensor to pick up the presence of a metallic
(stainless steel) slug that is a link on a travelling axis (chain)
that is primarily made from PE based fiber rope always under
tension. The rope is normally dry but sometimes wet during sailing
at sea. The rope travels on a constant axis location and orientation
between points but the no symmetric slug can rotate on its own
axis preventing a constant sensing distance.
The difficulty
with am inductance sensor type solution is that the slug is not
symmetric about its axis (and cant made so for structural reasons)
so the sensing distance can vary anywhere from 3mm to 30mm depending
on its rotation and travelled position (that is not controllable
and so random). ie if constant (from symmetry) the sensing distance
could be tuned and more reliable sensing.
The system is
housed in a tight fitting alloy box with plenty of locations/space
for ideally mounting on CL
Hope that makes
Carrick Hill
Research and Dev
Southern Spars NZ

From: Jim
I am a junior
high science/health teacher passionate about developing the next
generation of critical thinkers, innovators, and problem solvers.
We are working on a sensor project where the students would like
to design, measure/test and optimize ( a sensor that fits into
a metal pipe or attached ) the velocity of impact on a pipe and
see the results/rate of collision in real time, possible Tri-axial
data points and in kilometer per/hour, then collecting all data
on the effects of high-speed collisions and transmit wirelessly.
This dynamic behavior of the (ball or ?) hitting/bouncing off
a stationary pipe (or other metal surface).
I was wondering which effective tools existed to conduct fundamental
force measurements of extreme (collision) events in targeted
energy transfer in mechanical systems such as (impacts and responses).
Question, not
sure what are the best (methods) force sensor, accelerometers/sensors
to measure and the best way to simulate this project with a wireless
component feature. Also, could this be compared to crash testing
a vehicle. These are the items/subject matter the class is researching
on the computer for help with this project. We sincerely appreciate
any/all technical assistance (through email communication).
mechanical pressures,
shock/vibration product
placing/installing accelerometers or ?? in pipe
power sources - including voltage
3-axis sensing data
plug-n-play would be great
high sensitivity ISM Datum wireless network, enables long distance
network wireless sports and hardwired sensors, data acquisition
Logic/relay interface, large data displays
A unique embedded 32 bit identification code
The students
and I want to deeply thank you for your advice and efforts to
propel our project forward as each of them strive to reach their
accolades in the STEM program.
Best wishes and
continued success in all your future endeavors!
Jim Bischofberger (Class #8)

From: Hasan
Dear sir/madam
I have instaled a PT100 sensor (3 wire type) in a water pump
tank and it is connected to its relay. It should have 100 ohm
resistace brtween one wire and the other wires and the other
2 wires shoukd be short circuit.
But all the three wires are short circuit .
Can you explain me the problem and solution way?
Thank you so much

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