Motorcycle racing uses displacement & load transducers.
Maxton Engineering's clients - the country's leading
Supersport, Grand Prix and TT motorcycle racing
companies and riders - demand the best.
For thirty years, the bike racing community has relied on Maxton
to provide the ultimate in high performance shock absorbers for
racing and road use. If proof is needed, you only have to check
out the winners' suspension systems at any of the major
championships, and there will be the name Maxton.
The busy company also uses its race experience to improve the
factory-standard suspension of road bikes by modifying or replacing
the crucial shock absorbers.
As Richard Adams explained, "Spring tolerances can bevery large,
and the success of a suspension system depends on well-matched
dampers. So we specified and installed a custom electronic measuring
system to check each spring we receive from our suppliers. If any
don't meet our specification - they are sent back."
Ultimately, the quality of Maxton's suspension systems depends
on the quality of the measurement, and RDP was pleased to supply
a load cell and LVDT combination for the test rig.
Linked to a custom computer program, Maxton matches spring
characteristics quickly and efficiently, a process which until recently
was a highly skilled task.
For the latest news of Maxton's success on the tracks, visit
For sales and technical information contact:-
RDP Electronics Limited
Grove Street, Heath Town, Wolverhampton WV10 0PY. UK.
Tel: +44(0) 1902 457512. Fax: +44(0) 1902 452000
Website: www.
February 2001