Around the world - 'Inventure'.
Penny & Giles have donated two joysticks to tetraplegic
sailor Trevor Jones to help steer his yacht Inventure, which
he plans to sail around the world accompanied by a second
paraplegic sailor and two able-bodied personal assistants.
Inventure, a 60ft trimaran powered by three rigid wingsails, is the first
yacht ever to be built for a tetraplegic crew. Says Trevor Jones: "We
contacted Penny & Giles because they manufacture the control systems
for powered wheelchairs. Having familiar joysticks as an interface with
the yacht's steering gives us a real advantage."
The two JC400 joysticks, one fitted to Trevor's £18,000 waterproof
wheelchair and the other to an external control box, have been integrated
with the yacht's automatic control centre, which has been modified to
accept the joysticks' signals. The external control box can be mounted
onto the wheelchair when either sailor is working on deck, and is fitted
with a cable that allows the joysticks to control the steering from
anywhere on the yacht.
Trevor hopes that the voyage will inspire others who are disabled and
help change the perception of disabled people around the world.
For more information contact:-
Penny & Giles Controls Ltd.
Tel: +44(0) 1202 409409
May 2001