Critical F1 car pressure measurements.

The latest T9000 pneumatic "floating ball" process pressure deadweight tester from Pressurements Limited (part of Druck) is being used for Formula 1 test applications. It is used to verify a wide range of Fl car development, test and racing pressure measurements, crucial to team performance. Importance of pressure measurements Modern Fl motor racing is highly competitive, with fractions of a second the difference between victory and defeat. Hence high-performance engineering is neede~d to maintain the slightest advantage. For example, pressure measurements play a vital role monitoring car aerodynamics, steering, braking, gearing, suspension and cooling systems. Used in conjunction with high-resolution data acquisition equipment, the T9000 closely determines the actual accuracy of electronic pressure sensors used for such measurements during the ongoing cycles of car development, test and racing. Fine tuning for each Fl venue Verified data is recorded and comprehensively analysed before, during and after racing for specific segments of each of the worldwide championship venues. At the start of the 2001 season, there were 17 scheduled Fl racing events, the first of which was decided at Melbourne, Australia in March. Each circuit has its own peculiarities and demands on a Fl racing car. Some circuits are faster whilst others may be more wearing on tyres, require different car setups or more demanding on brake systems. Analysis of the pressure-related data is used to help 'tune' car systems and configurations for optimum performance at each location (for example, pressure profiling for low speed/high down force or high speed/low drag aerodynamics). Historic data is also continuously accumulated for future car development. Key benefits * The 19000 was chosen as a pressure standard and gives the user a high confidence level as their primary reference for critical measurements. * It is also highly portable. * Pressurements own "floating" ceramic ball technology also means that a stable reference pressure can be produced for an indefinite period of time. This improves productivity by avoiding the traditional need for constant reference to the instrument, leaving the opethtor free to check system readings. ___________________________________________________ June 2001

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