Carlo Gavazzi waste nothing with Dupline®
Biffa UK has installed a Carlo Gavazzi Dupline®
monitoring system at its Brookhurst Wood Landfill
in Horsham, West Sussex.
The system automatically monitors levels and flow
of leachate, returned water and methane gas via flow
meters, level sensors, control pumps and valves.
Furthermore, it can even monitor itself!
Brookhurst Wood is a former clay quarry, one of the deepest in
England, and whilst it only has five years of filling left, the
monitoring system will be required to operate for a further
20 years. The Environment Protection Act, 1990, makes the
monitoring of leachate and methane mandatory. If landfill plants
do not abide by the act, they do not receive a license; it's a simple
as that.
The system specification requires Dupline® to monitor seven
remote flow meters, several level sensors and 12 pumps.
All information is displayed in graphical form on a PC at a
central location. It is monitored through third party software,
SpecView®, which incorporates a strategy controller module.
This enables 'intelligent' decisions to be taken based upon
conditions defined by the user, such as time, multiple events
and loss of input. The whole scheme is broken down into multi
level screens with increasing amounts of detail, the first of which
provides an overview of the whole plant.
At Brookhurst Wood, Dupline® is linked to a PC using an OptoLink
interface, which enables up to 64 Dupline® systems to be
connected to one PC via an RS232 serial port. However,
Dupline® is also compatible with Modbus, ProfiBus and
DeviceNet, making it simple to integrate the best features of
Dupline® into an existing system.
Dupline® transmits signals bi-directionally over 10km (6 miles)
on a single twisted pair cable. Special cables are not necessary
and cable layout is user definable.
Dupline® is also being used at Brookhurst Wood to solve a variety
of other problems. For example, if a pump flow meter shows an
output of 1200l/min and the tank delivery meter is registering only
1100l/min then there is obviously a problem. By definition we can
say that there is a 100l/min loss somewhere between that pump
and the tank. Maintenance crews know exactly what to look for
and where, thus saving time and money.
For more information contact:-
Dave Nicolson at Carlo Gavazzi (UK) Ltd.
Tel: +44(0) 1252 339600
February 2002