Accident Reconstruction

The Application
Accident reconstruction and litigation companies need to measure and record a large number of factors in every application. One company used a system that did not allow tracking of multiple data inputs in a common data set. Instead, they had a monitor for each type of sensor used in an application. The monitors were video taped during testing so that all the information could be seen at once and analyzed. This process worked, however, time correlation of a specific data ‘occurrence’ was very difficult. As the company grew into new and different types of testing applications, it became clear that they needed more sophisticated data logging equipment. Many solutions were discarded because, although great for the laboratory, they were bulky, heavy, and not easily transported. Since the company’s main purpose is on-site data acquisition, they need a system that is easy to take into the field. Many applications contain a large mix of sensor types, so systems need to be portable, but also be able to gather multiple channels of data in multiple modes. IOtech’s systems offer a broad set of capabilities, and the added features of versatility, transportability, and flexibility. Included Out-of-the-Box™ software allows them to not only record data simultaneously, but to time-correlate the data in real-time. Testing and information gathering is now performed easily on many types of sensors with results seen immediately in real-time.

System Design
For controlled testing within their own laboratory, they chose IOtech’s DaqBook™. Tests were set up with required sensors and signal conditioning, so data could be reviewed and recorded under ideal, controlled conditions. For actual test-site applications, they chose IOtech’s LogBook™. Due to some extremely harsh environmental conditions, a protective box was built to enclose the LogBook during testing. Since every testing application is different, IOtech’s wide selection of signal conditioning options provided these systems with much needed versatility.


For sales and technical information contact:-

IPC Systems Ltd.
Tel: +44(0) 1905 338989

June 2007

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