eZ-NDT Resonant Inspection Software.

Attention ALL Manufacturers Of Powder Metal, Ceramic
or Composite Production Parts !!


Provides inspection of metal, ceramic, and hard plastic parts

Removes the ambiguity that is common in other inspection systems

Requires no parts preparation, making the test fast and inexpensive
Tests parts in less than 1 seconds

Quantifies and documents the first natural frequency for end-user comparison to final assembly resonant frequencies

IPC System’s eZ-NDT™ (non-destructive test) systems provide a fast and inexpensive method of 100% inspection of production parts, such as powder metal, ceramics, and composites. eZ-NDT uses acoustic analysis to identify part variations that are caused by process inconsistencies and defects. eZ-NDT systems apply acoustic energy to your part, monitor its acoustic response, and analyze its resonant frequencies. It then compares the results to the acoustic signature of a known-good part stored in its library. The test takes less than two seconds and requires no special tooling, dyes, chemicals, cleaning, magnetization, or expensive and time consuming visual inspection equipment.

Theory of Resonant Inspection
When an object is struck by an external energy source, such as when it is "pinged" with a hammer, it will make a sound that is specific to the physical properties of the object, including its size, weight, density, and porosity. An example of where this phenomenon is often used is when determining whether melons are ripe to be picked from the vine. In that case the melon picker "pings" the melon and their trained ear determines whether the melon is ripe to be picked.

This same technique is used by eZ-NDT, except in this case the 600 Series and eZ-NDT software running on a PC replace the trained ear. When an object is pinged with a hammer, the 600 Seires digitizes (records) the sound, which is immediately transferred to the PC for analysis. eZ-NDT software running on the PC decomposes the sound, effectively creating a "signature" that is unique to the object being pinged.

Generally speaking, all objects of similar physical composition will have the same signature. During the Feasibility Study, IPC Systems will confirm that your objects have a unique and measurable signature, and that the signature of known "good" objects is distinguishable from known "bad" objects. Presuming that condition is true, eZ-NDT software learns how to distinguish good objects from bad objects, and provides the operator with a simple PASS or FAIL indication after each object is pinged.

eZ-NDT can detect deviations in dimensions, material properties, and defects including cracks, residual stress, inclusions, and variations in hardness, tempering, porosity, mass, holes, bonding and/or welding failures. Resonant inspection performs a whole body measurement, not just a spot check for visual indications. It also quantifies the first natural frequency, which many end users require for comparison to final assembly resonant frequencies. By keeping component first natural frequencies different from final assembly resonant frequencies, the end user avoids the potential for noise, vibration, or product damage.

Because it’s fast, you can test all of your parts, not just a sampling. Before purchasing an eZ-NDT system from IPC Systems Limited, we recommend that you engage in our FREE Basic Feasibility Study, where we verify that your parts respond appropriately to our inspection process.

The eZ-NDT software is extremely easy to use, with step-by-step instructions and an intuitive graphical user interface. Three password-controlled security levels are provided: Manager (full access), Technician (limited access), and Inspector (test only). Only the manager can access the setup screens that set the pass/fail criteria and the known-good resonant signature. Operators are provided with simple, straight forward screens showing the performance of each part against the predetermined resonant signature and the
pass/fail results.

The eZ-NDT software stores several test parameters during normal testing. Users with Manager and Technician privilege levels can access part-specific information and summary reports, including statistical analysis.

eZ-NDT™ hardware consists of an excitation hammer to "ping" the part, a microphone
to measure the acoustic energy emanating from the part, a 600 Series Dynamic Signal Analyzer, and a PC running the eZ-NDT software. Two systems are available; the lower-cost Manual System for spot-check and low-volume inspection, and the Automated System for 100% inspection of high-volume production, including a conveyer system.

For sales and technical information contact:-

IPC Systems Ltd.
Tel: +44(0) 1905 338989

August 2007

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