sensors are strain-based, wherein a structure is caused to resonate
at its natural frequency and this frequency is modulated as a
function of the input parameter.
The pressure
sensor is the most common adaptation of the resonant principle,
where a flexible metallic bellows is used to modulate the force
applied to the resonant structure as a function of pressure.
The resonant
cylinder structure is caused to oscillate at its natural frequency
where changes in the frequency of oscillation occur due to the
pressure-induced hoop-and axial-strain.

Recent advances
in quartz fabrication technology have resulted in the fabrication
of a new generation of Double Ended Tuning Fork (DETF) resonant
structures that are being successfully applied in the fabrication
of inertial grade miniature accelerometers.

For the resonant-cylinder
sensors, the structure must be driven into resonance by either
electromagnetic or piezoelectric methods.
The resonance
of any structure is the frequency at which maximum mechanical
output occurs with a minimum energy input. For this reason, the
total energy
required is small. Resonance is therefore, the frequency of motion
at which maximum efficiency results for any structure.
Modern quartz
crystal wrist watches contain a single-ended-tuning fork assembly
resonating at typically 32,768 Hertz as the time base for the
watch circuitry.
Since a quartz watch crystal oscillates for several years, accumulating
almost 2 million flexural cycles per minute, on the energy contained
within a watch battery, resonant frequency must therefore represent
a highly efficient
operating frequency!
Resonant cylinder
systems are normally configured to allow a high-quality internal
vacuum to exist around the resonant structure, thereby eliminating
the viscous
damping effects that an internal gas environment would present
to the resonating structure, and to reduce the drive power requirements.
The internal vacuum also prevents ideal gas thermal expansion
forces that would act upon the resonant structure and the large
variable effects that airborne moisture would cause. The use
of high-elasticity, low-creep, and low hysteretic materials
in the fabrication of the resonant structure results in a highly-stable
and high-resolution measurement method.

The structural
resonance of the cylinder is driven by a feedback-controlled
oscillator circuit configured to maintain the resonant structure
at its most mechanically-efficient frequency or maximum-Q
response point. Counter
circuitry then counts the oscillator output over some defined
time-averaging window.
The frequency
response of the resonant sensor is therefore a direct function
of the number of time -averaged samples provided per second and
is generally
low. Alternatively, the frequency of the resonant structure can
be measured utilizing a period measurement system to provide
a much wider measurement bandwidth.
Period measurement
systems rely upon a second internal time base operating at a
much higher frequency than the resonant structure to provide
adequate period resolution.
Naturally occurring
electrical noise tends to generate uncertainty in the turn-on
and turn-off points in period measuring systems resulting in
degraded overall
measurement resolution.

Counting many
resonant cycles over some defined time period tends to average
circuit noise to zero improving measurement resolution. For static
or quasi-static
measurements, the longer the counting time period, the higher
is the resolution of the system.
It is not uncommon
for resonant sensors to show 8 decades or more of signal resolution.
pressure sensors are sensitive to media density as the measurand
is admitted directly into contact with the
resonant structure. These
sensors are provided with inlet filters to prevent the ingress
of particulate matter.
In metallic
cylinder structures, the thermoelastic modulus results in a strong
thermal-sensitivity dependence and these systems are most often
thermally controlled to minimize thermal error.
The resonant-cylinder
device provides extreme resolution with excellent linearity but
where a single degree of temperature change can result in error
that is 10 to 100 times greater than the nonlinearity error.
article is taken from the Handbook, 'The Art of Practical and
Precise Strain Based Measurement' by James Pierson