to Absolute Encoders and SSI.

The electronic
interface SSI or Synchronous Serial Interface was designed for
use with absolute encoders and patented by Stegnian. A number
of manufacturers of PLC s and intelligent controllers provide
for SSI which is now an industry standard.
absolute encoders give a parallel output in Gray code which allows
only a one bit change between adjacent resolvable steps and reduces
the maximum reading error to one step.
However, as
far as most people are concerned. all that needs to be known
is that Gray code is more secure than binary in encoder applications.

Absolute encoders
fall into two groups according to their resolutions: encoders
with a resolution of up to 360 degrees are called single turn
encoders and those which can revolve many times (usually up to
4096 turns) are called multi-turn encoders. Normally a single
turn encoder gives a 12 bit parallel output (4.096 different
codes per revolution of a coded disc) while a multi-turn encoder
uses the same single turn disc as the single turn encoder but
it is coupled to a second disc via a 16: 1 reduction gearbox
so that the second coded disc revolves once for every 16 turns
of the first disc.
The second
disc gives 4 bits output and if only two coded discs were used.
the total 16 bits gives 65.536 different codes for 16 complete
revolutions. ASM use a 24 bit absolute encoder which has 4 coded
This is all
very desirable but if the parallel output was used it would mean
at least 24 wires would be required to read the output. SSI however
offers a much better solution whereby the parallel output is
set into a shift register
(parallel to serial converter) and then shifted out serially
by pulses supplied by an external interface (SSI).
The speed of the transmitted output
is therefore dependent on the frequency of the pulses supplied
so if fast update is required, the speed of the pulses would
need to be adjusted accordingly.

The main features
of SSI compared with other interfaces are:
* Low component
* Irrespective of the encoder resolution, only 4 wires required
* Secure data output in single step gray code
* Easy electrical isolation between encoder and controller
* Data transmission between encoder and controller is synchronised
by the controller clock signal
* Depending on the transmission distance, baud rates of up to
l.5MHz can be achieved.