Grounding and
Shielding Considerations for
Thermocouples, Strain Gauges, and Low-Level Circuits
to Noise Ratio
Electrical noise is present in all measurement systems to some
degree. Instrument engineers typically design systems that make
the measured signal much larger than the noise that accompanies
it, whatever that source of noise may be. They specify this parameter
as signal-to-noise ratio SNR and typically measure it in dB.
In terms of voltage, dB = 20 log (V2/V1), where V2 is greater
than V1, and V1 is the noise level.
For example, 120 dB is a ratio of 1,000,000:1 and 160 dB is 100,000,000:1,
very respectable numbers for SNRs. Design rules that instrument
manufacturers follow to make noise-free and quality equipment
include proper circuit design and layout on a printed circuit
board as well as grounding, shielding, and guarding. One common
method for measuring low-level signals where noise can be a problem
is to use differential input amplifiers.
The topology of such circuits tends to cancel certain types of
noise. Both terminals of a two-terminal sensor connect to the
differential amplifier input, and shielding and guarding circuits
typically connect to signal ground and special guard-shield terminals.
This eliminates current flow between the grounds, common, or
returns of the sensor and the instrument input amplifier, which
can generate noise signals. One drawback when using differential
inputs is that only half the number of sensor inputs is available
compared to a single ended configuration. That is, one differential
amplifier consumes two single-ended input connections.
High SNR is particularly critical for strain gauges and thermocouples,
which inherently have relatively low signal levels compared to
most sensors. These sensors deal with millivolts and microvolts,
signals already close to the values of typical noise levels that
can be measured in test setups. By comparison, many transducers
have 1V, 5V, and 10V standard output levels.
Thus, 10V compared to 1 microvolt is 10/0.000001, that is, 10
million to one or 20 log (10/0.000001) = 20 log (10,000000) =
20(7) = 140 dB. But a 1.0 mV signal compared to a 1 microvolt
level of noise is much more serious. Here, 0.001V is compared
to 0.000001V, or 20 log (0.001/0.000001) = 20 log (1,000) = 20(3)
= 60 dB. In other words, the SNR for the first example is 10
million to one, and the second is only 1 thousand to one. So,
maintaining a high signal-to-noise ratio is paramount in low-level
signal circuits to prevent the measured variable from being contaminated
or yielding inaccurate results.
Data acquisition system designers try to obtain the highest SNR
as possible within their equipment with the resources available
to them, but users also have an equal responsibility for reducing
noisy signals and maximizing instrument measurement accuracy.
Several such factors under user control that play a significant
role in reducing noise levels, increasing SNR, and improving
accuracy include transducer lead length, application of grounding
points and shields, and the temperature coefficient of copper
General Precautions
Short leads between sensors and amplifier inputs are the first
consideration in minimizing noise. Long leads act as antennas
and can pick up a variety of electric and magnetic interference.
Although strain gauges and thermocouples have characteristically
low impedances, it is still good practice to use short leads
and twist them together. Figure 1 illustrates a condition where
unshielded, parallel wires connect the signal source to the amplifier
input. The parallel wires pick up noise through induction from
the radiating wire principally because the mutual induction M1
and M2 are unequal as are the distances, d1 and d2.
Figure 2 shows how to cancel or minimize the interfering noise
by twisting the wires. Moreover, thermocouples should use thermocouple
lead wire rather than ordinary copper wire since TC wire is designed
just for this application.
In most cases, the special lead wire may be obtained from the
thermocouple manufacturer or supplier.
The second consideration is the ground point. Usually, a ground
connection is made at either the amplifier input or preferably
the sensor, but definitely not at both. When both devices are
grounded, a small but measurable "ground-loop" current
can flow between them and manifest in an unwanted noise signal
at the amplifier input terminals. The best policy is to follow
the manufacturers grounding recommendations for its particular
instrument and sensor.
The circuit in Figure 3 shows a potential difference between
earth ground #1 and earth ground #2. As a result, two ground
loop paths are generated when the shield, sensor return, and
sensor shield are all grounded to earth ground #1, and the other
end of the shield, the sensor return, the common amplifier terminal,
and amplifier chassis are connected to earth ground #2. One circulating
current runs through the shield conductor, and the other runs
through the signal return (or common) wire.
Figure 4 shows that the ground loop current through the shield
is eliminated when its ground connection is removed from earth
ground #2. Likewise, the loop current in the signal return path
is eliminated when the ground connection is removed from terminal
2 of the amplifier. In addition, wires shielded with copper,
aluminum, and tin can minimize most electrical interference,
but ferrous materials may be needed to shield wires where high
magnetic fields may be present. Copper or aluminum shields alone
may not be effective enough. Moreover, grounding these shields
require as much care as other shields to minimize ground loop
currents that can appear as signals to the amplifier input terminals.
Copper wire has a relatively high temperature coefficient of
resistance. However, it tends to be neglected when the sensor
signals are so large that any changes in impedance due to the
wires temperature coefficient have negligible effect. But
in high impedance, low-level circuits, or circuits with long
lead wires, the wire resistance by itself or with a change temperature
can be significant and affect the measurements by as much as
10% or more. In many cases, however, wire resistance effects
can be cancelled by using a four wire system where one pair is
the "excite" wires, and the other pair is the "sense"
wires, such as used in bridge circuits.

should be electrically isolated from the device under test where
possible to avoid ground-loop currents, common-mode voltage problems,
and induced voltage or current. However, most thermocouple instrument
amplifiers provide ungrounded temperature reference input terminals
mounted on isothermal blocks that help minimize such noise problems.
For example, Figure 5 shows the temperature compensated isothermal
block and input connections to the IOtech DBK81 series
of thermocouple amplifiers.

When thermocouple wire leads must be shielded, use the shield
connection provided at the input to the amplifier, and do not
connect the other end of the shield (at the device under test)
to a ground. However, when the thermocouple must be grounded,
use the same ground terminal to connect to the shield and do
not use the shield connection at the amplifier end. (Remember,
the shield must not be grounded at both ends.)
Strain gauges

Strain gauges (and frequently, thermocouples) are fastened mechanically
and sometimes electrically to the device under test. This arrangement
can set up a path for ground loop currents and common-mode voltage
noise signals. Use non-inductive types of strain gauges and ground
the shields only at the sensor end. Use the differential input
terminals of the data acquisition system and make certain that
neither terminal is inadvertently grounded through an inconspicuous
"sneak circuit."
Figure 6 is an example of a situation where a differential amplifier
input is selected but the cable shield is connected to the amplifier
common. The common-mode voltage Ecm appears between signal ground
and system ground. The distributed capacitance in the cable shield
shunts the amplifier input impedance to ground and sets up a
noise current (Icm) path through the signal source.
Removing the connection from the shield to system ground at the
amplifier input and connecting the shield to the signal ground
at the sensor as shown in Figure 7 reduces the effect of cable
capacitance and prevents common mode current, Icm, from flowing
through the signal source. In this way, the systems common mode
rejection ratio is greatly improved.
Strain gauges and other bridge circuits used with strain gauge
modules such as the IOtech WBK16 are not usually grounded.
The WBK16 uses differential input amplifiers with excitation
voltage supplied by isolated and current-limited power supplies
to help minimize noise problems. However, when strain gauge wires
need shielding, use quality cable, such as the CA-177 stain gauge
cable, and connect the shield to the DB9 metal shell. The shell
does not return to common ground, therefore common mode voltage
and current cannot interfere with the measured signal. Also,
use twisted pair cable with paired leads for signal input, excitation
output, and remote sense input.
See Figure 8, the block functional diagram of the WBK16, for
an example showing connections to a full-bridge strain gauge.
Occasionally, some of the above precautions cannot be followed
implicitly. When in doubt, the best procedure is to use the differential
input terminals to the data acquisition system rather than single-ended
inputs, and connect the shield to the sensor or signal source
common terminal.

Other Considerations
The impedance of a signal source should be much lower than the
amplifier input impedance to ensure high system accuracy. As
the signal source impedance approaches zero, so does the amplitude
of the noise signal to the amplifier. However, in most cases,
users need not concern themselves with these issues. Most data
acquisition system manufacturers have considered such loading
problems and offer specific signal conditioning amplifiers that
match transducers and special circuits.
For example, signal conditioners are available for thermocouples
and strain gauges that offer the proper impedance matching and
temperature compensation. However, in signal conditioners that
have more general capabilities such as measuring voltage, current,
and resistance, the sensors or signal sources are not necessarily
specified, and users should consult the data acquisition system
manufacturer to ensure that they purchase the proper signal-conditioning
For example, not all general-purpose voltage amplifiers are designed
to work with strain gauges, bridge circuits, and some other transducers
or circuits, especially those that could exceed the common-mode
voltage rating of the amplifier input. Its also a good
idea to discuss your test setup with an application engineer
to ensure that you will be properly connecting and grounding
your data acquisition system to the signal source, even when
you feel confident you have made the right decision.

Source Impedance
For non-specified voltage and current measurements, the source
impedances must be known in order to select the appropriate signal
conditioner. Usually, the transducer manufacturer provides a
data sheet with the device that specifies its impedance and how
it is determined. When this is not available, a number of empirical
methods may be used to determine the source impedance. One method,
shown in Figure 9, is to measure the open circuit voltage output
with a known high impedance voltmeter.
Next, connect a known impedance to the same terminals and measure
the voltage and current under load. (Make certain that the impedance
selected is not so low as to cause the current to exceed the
devices rating.) The source (internal) impedance can be
calculated form the equation:
Zi = Ze(V2V1)/V2
Where: Zi = internal impedance, Ohms
Ze = known external impedance, Ohms
V1 = measured open-circuit output voltage, V
V2 = measured closed-circuit output voltage, V
Environments and Tips
Electric motors, generators, and large transformers can present
unique problems. Large electromagnetic fields may be coupled
to sensor leads and induce noise. When measuring motor or generator
vibrations with accelerometers, notch filters may be used at
the amplifier input leads to eliminate 60 Hz signals that may
be induced. This is not a problem when the vibration frequencies
of interest are in the range of hundreds of Hz.
In addition to ac interference, dc motors and generators produce
interfering magnetic fields as well. Use the same shielding recommendations
as discussed above, using copper, aluminum, and ferrous materials
as appropriate for the environment.

Article kindly
provided by ICP Systems Ltd.