What is Hammer Testing ?

Typical Impulse
Hammer Analysis System
Something we are asked from time to time is What exactly
is hammer testing and how can it help me? In this article
we will try to explain the basics.
Hammer testing is also sometimes referred to as Modal Testing,
and it is a way of testing to determine the dynamic behaviour
of a structure in response to an applied stimulus. A transfer
function of a mechanical system describes this dynamic behavior,
and there are six major transfer functions used in mechanical
systems analysis, with each describing the dynamic behavior in
a different fashion, and each involving the ratio of the output
response to the input stimulus.
Response can be measured most conveniently with accelerometers
placed at important points throughout the structure under test,
and Spectrum analyzers perform the necessary mathematical ratio
transform on the input and response signals to produce, almost
instantaneously, the desired transfer function.
The input stimulus
(forcing function) may be applied to the structure by various
methods. One way to excite structures is by use of an electrodynamic
or hydraulic shake with a force sensor attached to the armature
driving the test object, to measure the input force amplitude.
However when the test object is too large to be excited in this
fashion, or when it is physically impossible to do so, the structure
can be hit with a calibrated dynamic impulse hammer.
A force sensor mounted in the head of the hammer transforms the
input force pulse into a waveform that contains the necessary
amplitude and phase information to completely describe the forcing
function. Impact tip material stiffness helps determine the frequency
content of the input forcing function by controlling the impact
pulse duration. By defining the frequency and amplitude of the
forcing function, impulse hammers present a fast, simple way
to excite structures in a well-defined fashion.
The user can
combine various head extenders to alter the hammer head mass,
and select different impulse tips, to create different impulse
waveforms. Fourier analysis shows that faster rise time pulses
with short pulse duration contain the highest frequencies, so
use the metal (aluminum or steel) impact tips and no head extender
for quickest rebound to produce impulses with the highest frequency
content, and the opposite for low frequency excitation. Heavier
structures with lower frequency responses (resonances) require
lower frequency excitation at higher input force levels.
The result of
the impact from the hammer would ideally be measured with an
array of accelerometers mounted on the structure, but one accelerometer
could be fitted and then the structure impacted at several points.

Selection of Impulse Hammers for different applications - from
miniature to large sledge
March 2014