Time of Flight Measurement

This article
aims to explain how the time of flight laser sensors operate,
which are used for longer distance measurements.
The basic principle of time of flight is easy to explain simply,
but in practice, for accurate measurements, it is not as straightforward
as it seems. The laser beam is projected from the instrument
and reflected from a target surface to a collection lens. This
lens is typically located adjacent to the laser emitter and focuses
an image of the spot on a linear array camera (CMOS array).
Put simply therefore, the time for the light to be sent and to
return can then be used to determine the distance it has travelled
based on the speed of light. Modulated beam systems also use
the time light takes to travel to a target and back, but the
time for a single round trip is not measured directly. Instead,
the strength of the laser is rapidly varied to produce a signal
that changes over time. The time delay is indirectly measured
by comparing the signal from the laser with the delayed signal
returning from the target.One common example of this approach
is phase measurement in which the lasers output
is typically sinusoidal and the phase of the outgoing signal
is compared with that of the reflected light.
Phase measurement is limited in accuracy by the frequency of
modulation and the ability to resolve the phase difference between
the signals, so some modulated beam rangefinders work on a range-to-frequency
conversion principle, which offers several advantages over phase
measurement. In these cases, laser light reflected from a target
is collected by a lens and focused onto a photodiode inside the

The resulting signal is amplified up to a limited level and inverted,
and used directly to modulate a laser diode. The light from the
laser is collimated and emitted from the centre of the front
face of the sensor. This configuration forms an oscillator, with
the laser switching itself on and off using its own signal. The
time that the light takes to travel to the target and return,
plus the time needed to amplify the signal, determines the period
of oscillation, or the rate at which the laser is switched on
and off. This signal is then divided and timed by an internal
clock to obtain a range measurement.
The measurement is somewhat nonlinear and dependent on signal
strength and temperature, so a calibration process is performed
in the sensor to remove these effects. Modulated beam sensors
are typically used in intermediate range applications, for distances
from a few centimetres to tens of meters on uncooperative targets.
With cooperative targets, like reflectors, the range can be extended
to several hundreds of meters.
Techni Measure Limited would be pleased to offer advice on which
sensor would be the best choice for any given application. Shiny
targets can present a problem, but there are solutions, and we
would be pleased to offer a trial demonstration when possible.
April 2015