Pressure Gauge Calibration

As with any measurement device, pressure gauges need to be
calibrated at regular intervals. A Beamex Whitepaper looks at
the most common considerations when calibrating pressure gauges.
Pressure gauges
are commonly used instruments. As with any process measurement
device, they should be calibrated at regular intervals. When
talking about pressure gauges, it is normal to refer to analogue
pressure indicators which are provided with a pointer needle
and a pressure scale and are often built with a Bourdon tube,
diaphragm or capsule - a mechanical structure that moves the
pointer across the scale as pressure increases.
Digital pressure gauges have a numeric pressure indication instead
of an analogue pointer. While this article focuses on analogue
gauges, most of the principles are also valid for digital gauges.
Put simply, a pressure gauge calibration requires a known accurate
pressure input to be input to the gauge and read and compared
with the gauge reading these. The difference in the values is
the error and this should be smaller than the required accuracy
for the gauge.
Some of the most common things you should consider when calibrating
pressure gauges include:
Pressure gauges are available in many different accuracy classes,
specified in ASME B40.100 (accuracy classes from 0.1 to 5% range)
as well as in EN 837 (accuracy classes from 0.1 to 4% range)
standards. The accuracy class specification most often being
'% of range' means that if the accuracy class is 1% and if the
scale range is zero to 100 psi, the accuracy is ± 1 psi.
It is important to know the accuracy class of the gauge being
calibrated, as this will naturally specify the acceptable accuracy
media: When
calibrating pressure gauges, the most common pressure media will
be gas or liquid. The pressure media during the calibration depends
on the media that is used in the process that the gauge is connected
to. Media also depends on the pressure range. Low pressure gauges
are practical to calibrate with air/gas, but as the pressure
range gets higher, it is more practical and also safer to use
liquid as the media.
installed in a process the pressure gauge uses a certain type
of pressure media, which should be taken into account when selecting
the media for the calibration. You should not use a media during
the calibration that could cause problems when the gauge is installed
back to process. Also, the other way around, sometimes the process
media could be harmful to your calibration equipment.
If the calibration equipment and the gauge to be calibrated are
at different heights, the hydrostatic pressure of the pressure
media in the piping can cause errors. This should not be an issue
when gas is used, but when liquid is used as media, errors can
occur. If it is not possible to have the calibrator and gauge
at the same height, then the effect of the height difference
should be calculated and taken into account during the calibration.
Leak test
of piping:
If there are leaks in the piping during calibration, unpredictable
errors can occur so a leak test should be done prior to calibration.
A simple leak test is pressurising the
system and letting the pressure stabilise. Some systems can maintain
the pressure even with a leak if it has a continuous controller
adjusting the pressure. So the controller should be closed. Adiabatic
effect should also always be taken into account in closed system,
especially with gas a media.
In a closed system with gas as the pressure media, the temperature
of the gas will affect its volume, which has an effect on the
When pressure is increased quickly, the temperature of the gas
will rise, making it expand, resulting in a bigger volume and
higher pressure. When the temperature cools, the volume of the
gas becomes smaller and causes the pressure to drop. The faster
the pressure is changed, the bigger the effect. The pressure
change caused by this effect will gradually get smaller as the
temperature stabilises. So, if you change the pressure quickly,
make sure it is stabilised before deciding whether there is a
leak in the system.
Because pressure gauges are mechanical instruments position will
affect the reading so the gauge should be calibrated in the same
position that it is used in the process.
pressure: To
calibrate a pressure gauge, you need to source the pressure applied
to the gauge. This can be done using a pressure hand pump, a
pressure regulator with a bottle or even a dead weight tester.
A dead weight tester will provide an accurate pressure and you
don't need a separate calibrator to measure the pressure, but
it is costly, not very mobile, requires a
lot of attention, and is sensitive to dirt. It is more common
to use a pressure calibration hand pump to generate pressure
and an accurate pressure measurement device to measure the pressure.
the gauge:
Due to its mechanical structure, a pressure gauge will always
have some friction in its movement, and may change its behaviour
over time, so exercise it before calibration. To do this supply
the nominal max pressure and let it stay for a minute, then vent
the pressure and wait a minute. You should repeat this process
2-3 times before starting to do the actual calibration cycle.
the pressure value (resolution): The scale in pressure gauges have limited
readability. It has major and minor scale marks, but it is difficult
to accurately read the pressure value when the indicator is in
between the scale marks. It is recommended that the input pressure
is adjusted so the needle is exactly at an indication mark, and
then the corresponding input pressure is recorded. It is also
important to look at the indication perpendicular to the gauge
scale. Many accurate gauges have a reflecting mirror along the
scale, behind the needle pointer. This should be read so that
the mirror reflection of the needle is exactly behind the actual
of calibration points: The different accuracy classes of gauges will
determine the number of calibration points. For the most accurate
gauges (better than 0.05%) you should use the 'comprehensive
calibration procedure' and the calibration should be performed
11 calibration points across the range (zero point plus 10% steps)
with three cycles in rising and falling pressure. For the medium
accuracy class gauges (0.05 to 0.5%), use a 'standard calibration
procedure' with 11 points, but less repeated cycles. The less
accurate gauges (class equal or greater than 0.5%) are to be
calibrated with the 'basic calibration procedure' with six calibration
points (zero point plus 20% steps) with rising and falling pressure.
(direction of calibration points): Hysteresis will result in an indication
that is not exactly the same when a pressure point is approached
with an increasing pressure compared to a decreasing pressure.
To find the amount of hysteresis, calibrate the gauge with increasing
and decreasing calibration points.
of calibration cycles (repeatability): The calibration cycles are repeated several
times to determine the repeatability of the gauge under calibration.
If the gauge to be calibrated has bad repeatability, it will
give different results during different calibration cycles. If
you only calibrate it with one cycle, you will miss the repeatability
information. The most accurate gauges should be calibrated with
three calibration cycles.
If the
'As Found' calibration is not within the accuracy requirements,
something needs to be done. In most cases the gauge should be
adjusted so that it will be within the allowed tolerance levels.
After adjustment, the gauge needs to be calibrated again. If
it is not possible to adjust the gauge, then a correction coefficient
can be calculated and this coefficient must betaken into account
in normal usage. If the gauge has a big error, then it is best
to repair/replace it.
certificate: The
calibration certificate should document the applied pressure
and the indication of the gauge as well as an error calculation.
It must contain other information also, as stipulated with standards/
regulations, including calibration uncertainty.
Environmental conditions: Most gauges have temperature effect
specified and this should betaken into account. Environmental
conditions (temperature and humidity) during the calibration
should be recorded in the calibration certificate.
As with any calibration, the reference standard used to measure
the applied pressure to the gauge must have a valid calibration
certificate and its calibration must be traceable to the appropriate
of calibration (TUR/TAR): With any calibration, you should be aware of the
total uncertainty of the calibration measurements, otherwise
the result will not have much value. The awareness of calibration
uncertainty seems to be rising and it is also now included in
more relevant standards and regulations. In some areas the TUR
(Test Uncertainty Ratio) or TAR (Test Accuracy Ratio) is something
that is used instead of the uncertainty calculation.
From a
White Paper produced by Beamex