Wide-ranging Particulate Sensor

The OPC-N3
optical particle counter retains all of the advantages of its
predecessor (OPC-N2) with the added benefit of automatic range
switching covering PM10, PM2.5 and PM1. With an expanded measuring
range (0.38 to 40 µm), the OPC-N3 is able to measure the
particulate fractions of most interest; from the finest of particles
up to larger particles such as pollen.
"This is an extremely important development for manufacturers
of air quality monitoring instrumentation," says Alphasense
Director, Arthur Burnley. "A few years ago, the public was
generally unaware of the threat posed by air pollution. However,
the many thousands of premature deaths that occur every year
in almost every country, have finally caused a high level of
media coverage and political interest, and this has led to demands
for air quality improvement measures, which in turn have created
a need for accurate particulate sensors.
"This bodes
well for our customers as the demand rises for small, accurate,
reliable, cost-effective particulate sensors."
In the 1950s developed countries suffered from smoke pollution
that could be seen by the human eye. For example, the Great Smog
of London was responsible for the deaths of around 4,000 people
and led to the development of the Clean Air Act of 1956. This
created a number of measures to reduce air pollution, such as
the introduction of smoke control areas in selected towns and
cities in which only smokeless fuels could be burned. Industrial
furnaces could no longer emit 'dark smoke' and households were
offered grants to convert from coal to smokeless fuel.
The move to cleaner forms of heating, including electricity and
gas, significantly lowered levels of particulate and sulphur
dioxide pollution. In addition, the Act relocated power stations
away from cities, and forced the height of some industrial chimneys
to be increased.
Today's particulate
fractions of greatest concern are the finer particles (PM2.5
and now PM1) that cannot be seen by the eye and have to be measured
instrumentally. These particles have a major impact on health
because they are able to travel deeper into the lungs.
According to
the European Commission, some 500,000 people die prematurely
in the EU 27 every year; mainly due to exposure to high levels
of fine particulate matter (atmospheric microparticles or 'dust'
of a diameter of less than 2.5 microns), which originates from
residential heating, transport (diesel cars and trucks, ships
and planes), agriculture, industrial processes and power generation.
Several studies
have demonstrated that smaller particles appear to be more toxic
than larger particles. Research is focused on understanding the
surface chemistry of smaller particulates and their toxic effect
on health. Arthur says: "The ability of the OPC-N3 to measure
across a wide range of particle sizes, and to auto-range, is
therefore very important because it means that accuracy and reliability
is retained irrespective of the particle size fraction being
Urban air
In most countries the major causes of outdoor air pollution are
the emissions from diesel vehicles in urban environments, where
vehicle movements are concentrated in highway canyons where buildings
prevent the dispersion and dilution of pollutants. In these situations,
nitrogen oxides and particulates accumulate to levels that exceed
the safe levels set by organisations such as the World Health
Organisation (WHO) and the European Union.
Traffic conditions,
topography and prevailing weather vary between different towns,
between different streets and even between different locations
on the same street. Consequently, pollution hot-spots exist in
most towns and this presents a challenge to those responsible
for monitoring air quality. Traditional reference air quality
monitoring stations (AQMs) are expensive to install and maintain,
so their numbers are limited.
Cities and towns need smaller, less-expensive indicative monitors
that can monitor at multiple locations within an affordable budget.
The data produced by such monitors can be used to track background
levels so that the air quality impacts of any new developments
can be monitored, and the effects of any initiatives to improve
air quality can be measured. The OPC-N3 was developed to meet
these requirements for both urban and indoor air quality.
Indoor air
Globally, many of the deaths that are attributed to air pollution
arise from indoor particulates. This is because, according to
the World Health Organisation, around three billion people still
cook and heat their homes using solid fuels (i.e. wood, crop
wastes, charcoal, coal and dung) in open fires and leaky stoves.
Most are poor, and live in low and middle-income countries. However,
the problem is not confined to developing countries; outdoor
air travels indoors by natural or assisted ventilation so outdoor
pollution directly affects indoor air quality. In addition, indoor
wood burners, cookers, toasters and fires can also generate particulate
levels that are harmful to health. Again, the flexibility of
the OPC-N3 makes it ideal for both indoor and outdoor air monitoring
Sensor development
The OPC-N2 was originally developed at the Centre for Atmospheric
and Instrumentation Research at the University of Hertfordshire.
Over the following five years, the product was refined through
a collaboration between the University and Alphasense. The sensor
has also been proven in the field, including for example, the
capture of more than 150 million readings at London's Heathrow
The OPC-N3 measures particulates accurately, repeatedly, and
with minimal maintenance using a patented design, providing both
particulate matter readings and real-time particle size histograms.
As such, the sensor competes in performance with existing analytical
units but at a fraction of the cost.
From a
article produced by Alphasens Ltd.