Our list of companies
that specialise in OEM SENSORS... |
ESI Technology Ltd is one of the leading suppliers for specialised
pressure transducers & transmitters by offering bespoke solutions
for specific applications. With a dedicated manufacturing and
engineering facility in Wrexham, ESI serves an extensive range
of major industries such as Hydrogen, Oil and Gas, Subsea, Aerospace,
Marine, Process & Test and Calibration.
Tel: +44 (0)1978 262255
sales@esi-tec.com Web: www.esi-tec.com |
SUPPLIERS - FREE basic entry
Email Company & Tel. No. to mike@sensorland.com to be included |
Euro-Gas Management Services Ltd. - Tel: +44(0)1752 872222
Genge & Thoma AG, Switzerland - Tel: +41 32 652 33 30
HBM UK Ltd. - Tel: +44(0) 208 515 6100
Huba Control AG - Tel : 01993 776667
Kavlico Corporation UK - Tel: 44 29 2046 3449
Geneza Ltd. - Tel: 0048 601 51 11 98
Gill Sensors - Tel: +44 (0)1590 613400
Metro Laser Inc. (USA) - Tel: 949-553-0688
QHi-Infrared - Tel: +44(0) 1582 461123
Shawcity Ltd (in partnership with City Technology)
- Tel: 01367 899420
Measurement Devices Ltd. - Tel: +44(0) 1284 852000