Accurate Verification of Short Temperature Sensors

A manufacturer of animal health products, had been using our previous model ATC-125 to verify their sensors in ultra-low temperature freezers.

The customer had problems verifying short sensors from 6 to 8 cm in length, in the 0 to 90°C range. They could not get the sensors to match the temperature that was indicated on the temperature calibrator they were using. This was because the short length of the sensor did not allow it to be placed in the ideal location of the temperature calibrator.

We demonstrated our RTC-156 and explained the function of the unique dual-zone heating feature. This feature provides a uniform temperature throughout the entire dry block, making it perfect to calibrate these short sensors. We also showed the sanitary sensor calibration kit that is available for the RTC Series


Taken a step further, we explained how the customer could insert the STS-102 reference sensor at the same depth as the tip of the sensor under test. This provides an exact comparison of the two sensors - thereby eliminating the temperature error they were experiencing by using their old method.

Reduce the calibration error by 3°C
The RTC solution was tested, and the result was an improvement of 3°C at 54°C. The original device read the same temperature as 51°C, while the RTC solution removed this 3°C error, and correctly displayed 54°C.

The same solution has also been used at a carrot processing plant that takes full sized carrots and turns them to shaved baby carrots, and juice. They had many sanitary temperature sensors they needed to verify. Even thought the product was different, the application was the same - short sensors that need to be verified correctly.

AMETEK Solutions
AMETEK offers a complete, highly accurate, and portable calibration solution, by combining a small reference sensor, which is placed in parallel with the sanitary or short sensor, and the
RTC dry block featuring the dual-zone technology.

Our sanitary sensor calibration kit has been designed for our calibrators and works perfectly with the RTC-156 The customized inserts and short reference sensors have been developed specifically for these applications.

Short temperature sensor calibration is hard. Jofra RTC temperature calibrator is perfect for this. Read how Jofra helped an animal health product manufacturer to improve the measurement 3°C at 54°C!

AMETEK Factory Automation is one of the world's leading manufacturers and developers of process position feedback solutions within linear and rotary position feedback.
The company offers the most complete line of automation products for sensing the position of mechanical motion gear in locks and dams, cranes, steel mills, packaging systems, lumber mills, gantries, bridges and more. If it moves, it's tracked with absolute accuracy by our industry-leading rotary and linear sensors.

For more information, please contact:

Ametek STC
Gydevang 32-34, DK-3450 Alleroed, Denmark
TEL: +45 4816 8000

February 2019

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