Robust CO2 Sensor with RS485 Interface

The well proven EE820 sensor from E+E Elektronik is appropriate for reliable monitoring the CO2 concentration in harsh and polluted applications such as agriculture and life stock barns. Beside voltage and current output, the sensor is now also available with RS485 interface with Modbus RTU or BACnet MS/TP protocol.

Long-Term Stable CO2 Measurement
The operation of the EE820 is based on the long-term stable E+E dual-wavelength NDIR principle, which is highly insensitive to contamination and automatically compensates for ageing effects. The multi-point CO2 and temperature factory adjustment procedure ensures high CO2 measurement accuracy over the entire temperature range -20…60 °C (-4…140 °F).

Suitable for Demanding Applications
The EE820 features a robust IP54 enclosure with a special filter, which offers best protection of the measurement electronics in harsh and polluted environment. The functional enclosure facilitates mounting the sensor with closed cover. Thus, the electronics is safe from mechanical damage and construction site pollution during installation.

Fast Response Time due to Active Ventilation
For fast response time to changes in CO2, the EE820 is optionally available with a forced air circulation module installed behind the filter.

Analogue Output, Modbus RTU and BACnet MS/TP
The measured data with range up to 10000 ppm CO2 is available on the analogue output (voltage / current) or on the RS485 interface with Modbus RTU or BACnet MS/TP protocol.

An optional adapter and the free EE-PCS Product Configuration Software facilitate the configuration and adjustment of the EE820.

April 2019

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