Recapping Thru-Holes and Load Buttons
Being an open source expert isn't a typical practice within the test and measurement industry. However, FUTEK believes that sharing our expertise through hypothetical applications, case studies, and comprehensive guides aid future engineers and innovators in their execution to produce effective results. Thus, we sign on to produce several webinar presentations throughout the year in an effort to spread our knowledge of sensors.
This past Thursday, our Technical Director, Richard Walker, held a presentation surrounding our Load Button and Thru-Hole Load Cells. With hundreds in attendance, engineers and operators followed along as Richard shared valuable tips on these load cells, as well as their intended application usages.
Predominantly, FUTEKs Load Button Load Cells (LLB Series) are known for their miniature frames. This design strategy was implemented.
Many of FUTEKs team members have admired by our engineering team to help combat the struggles of space constraints. However, the miniaturization of these Load Buttons did not impact their impressive capacity range (1 lb. to 50,000 lb). In fact, FUTEKs LLB Load Cells can operate in applications ranging from medical bite force testing to endurance batch weighing.
FUTEKs Thru-Hole Load Cells (LTH Series) also hold a wide capacity range of 50 lb. to 50,000 lb. Though, this series is known for its varying inner diameters. Because one-size does not fit all, FUTEKs engineering team provides multiple ID options within their standard LTH models, as well as custom ID options. It was this customizable quality that aided in FUTEKs production of a Thru-Hole Load Cell for NASA JPLs Mars Rover Curiosity mission!
To learn more about the LLB Series and LTH Series, please visit their respective Solution Pages on our website.
September 2012
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