HBM FiberSensing is pleased to announce it has been awarded the contract for Phase II of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project, as part of a joint agreement with Smartec.
The ITER project for fusion is a large-scale scientific experiment that aims to develop a new, cleaner, sustainable source of energy, by producing commercial energy from fusion - the process that occurs at the core of the sun.
Nuclear fusion - as opposed to fission where atoms split - has remained the elusive Holy Grail for physicists over the past half century, offering the promise of virtually unlimited power supply without the production of radioactive waste.
Successfully awarded as a result of HBM and Smartecs joint experience and ability to supply FBG (Fiber Bragg Grating) technology and Fabry-Perot interferometers to measure strain, displacement and temperature in the cryogenic environment found in the ITER magnets, the tender is one of the largest single orders ever received at FiberSensing.
Following the first phase of the project, which involved the adaption and qualification of sensors, measurement units and software for the particular constraints of the ITER superconducting magnets, the second stage of the project is now underway. This stage focuses on series production, delivery and installation of the sensing systems.
In total, HBM predicts the delivery of approximately 900 sensors and the related data acquisition systems, as well as complementary accessories, such as cables and software.
As HBM are confident that the sensors qualified in this programme will be suitable for other applications at ITER and for applications further afield where measurements in cryogenic and high-radiation environments are required, the market opportunities available for fiberoptic solutions and HBM are considered to be widespread.
Founded in Germany in 1950, HBM is today the technology and market leader in the field of test and measurement. HBM's product range comprises solutions for the entire measurement chain, from virtual to physical testing. The company has production facilities in Germany, USA and China and is represented in over 80 countries worldwide.
For further information please contact:HBM UK Ltd.
Millbrook Proving Ground, Station Lane, Millbrook. Bedfordshire MK45 2RA UK
Telephone: +44 (0) 1525 304980
Email: info@uk.hbm.com
Web: www.hbm.comMarch 2015
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