Torque and angle measurement for PTO shafts: NCTE's new 7500 series torque sensor is available from Ixthus Instrumentation

Available exclusively in the UK and Ireland from Ixthus Instrumentation, NCTE's new 7500 series torque and angle measurement sensor is aimed at convenient and cost effective solutions for power take off (PTO) shafts in agricultural and forestry machinery where it will help ensure the safe operation of connected equipment such as grain augers and silage blowers

The non-contacting IP65 rated sensor is exceptionally robust against mechanical and thermal influences and is maintenance free. With torque-only or torque + angle versions available, the 7500 series is offered in torque measurement ranges of 500, 1000 or 2000 Nm with speeds to 5000 rpm. Its overall accuracy combines linearity to < +/-0.5% across the full scale measurement range with repeatability to < 0.05% and rotational signal uniformity to < +/- 0.5%.

The compact torque sensor has a nominal diameter of 85 mm and a body length or under 100 mm. Its one-piece 'plug & play' design with integrated electronics and single connector and cable connection is simply installed in-line on the PTO shaft where its wide choice of mechanical installation options, including flange mounting as well as PTO splined shaft or splined bush, ensure maximum installation convenience. Output signals are a choice of 0-10 V, 4-20 mA or CANbus from an 11 to 28 V DC supply.

An optional readout unit is available for simple connection to the 7500 series torque sensor to provide both torque and angle measurement which can be read through a USB interface as well as provide data storage via an SD-card.

NCTE's unique force and torque sensors use the physical principle known as the inverse magnetostrictive effect where forces acting on magnetically encoded components change the magnetic field surrounding it - where even minute magnetic changes are detected to enable highly precise and real-time data acquisition of the acting forces. This non-contacting and maintenance free technology requires no re-calibration, is durable and extremely stable, and functions in oil or under water. The technology is available in a wide range of standard products in pillow block and in-line shaft-mounted designs, and is also easily adapted for customised solutions.

NCTE's sensor technology is well proven for demanding torque, force and angle position measurement applications in industrial test & measurement, engine & plant construction, transportation, construction, agricultural, automotive, motorsports and many others.

February 2015

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