PCB Piezotronics - PRODUCT NEWS


Portable Calibration from 7Hz - 10kHz the 9100D from PCB®

The 9100D is an ideal tool for checking accelerometers, velocity transducers and proximity probes over a wide frequency and amplitude range in the field.

With a simple user interface, the unit provides a compact vibration reference source that can validate an entire channel of transducers through measurement, monitoring or recording systems. Packaged in a lightweight, heavy-duty Pelican Storm Case, the 9100D is ready for travel without the need for an additional transportation case.

The 9100D incorporates a built-in sine wave generator, power amplifier, electro-dynamic shaker, NIST traceable reference accelerometer and digital display. The integral quartz reference accelerometer provides measurement stability, while the shaker table is built with robust carbon fibre composite armature flexure supports that can take a payload of upto 800gms. The 9100D has a battery life of up to 18hrs and gives closed loop level control for vibration calibration from 7Hz to 10kHz depending on test mass.

February 2012

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