PCB Piezotronics - PRODUCT NEWS
MEMS high-amplitude Shock Accelerometers
Series 3501 and 3503 MEMS high-amplitude shock accelerometers, from PCB®, represent state-of-the-art industry technology for miniature, high amplitude, DC response acceleration sensors.
This series is capable of measuring long duration transient motion, as well as, responding to and surviving extremely fast rise times, typical of a high-G shock event. Both a packaged and an OEM configuration are offered, to fulfill a variety of installation requirements.The air-damped acceleration sensing element, micromachined from silicon, is manufactured with the latest advances in etching techniques and equipment. This tiny element measures just 2.5 x 1.7 x 0.9 mm (L x W x H), and incorporates a seismic mass, protective over-range stops and a full-active, piezoresistive Wheatstone bridge. Series 3501 and 3503 are intended to fulfill the most demanding aerospace, industrial and commercial application requirements. Their design concepts were born from more than 20 years of PCB® expertise in very high-G shock (= 20,000 G) measurement applications and sensor development. Our design team has the most experience in the world for these applications. Our process engineers utilized the latest and most sophisticated techniques and equipment to achieve the desired performance levels that previously have not been attainable.
Utilizing deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) equipment and techniques, PCB® can micromachine in-house, from extremely strong single crystal silicon, the industry's smallest, most accurate and durable shock accelerometer.
March 2012
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