PCB Piezotronics - PRODUCT NEWS
IMI Sensors receives Patent for "Linear Adjust" Mechanical Vibration SwitchIMI Sensors, a PCB Piezotronics Division and manufacturer of industrial vibration monitoring instrumentation, such as accelerometers, vibration transmitters, and switches announced the receipt of U.S. Patent No. 9,024,712 from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on its 685A-Series "Linear Adjust" Mechanical Vibration Switch.
The innovative "Linear Adjust" perpendicular magnet-mass design provides more precise sensitivity adjustments (approximately ¼ turn per g) and more consistent sensitivity over all three axes when compared to competitive models based on the parallel magnet-mass design.
The mechanical vibration switches are used in applications such as cooling towers, HVAC systems, motors & pumps, blowers, fin fans and large exhaust and vent fans.
The switch is available in five stocked models as listed in the table below:
Model CSA/UL Approval Remote Reset 685A08 Yes No 685A09 No No 685A19 No Yes (+/- 24 VDC) 685A29 No Yes (120 VAC) 685A39 No Yes (240 VAC) IMI offers other vibration switches, including 4-20 mA electronic switches (685B Series) and USB-programmable smart switches (686B Series). Additional information about IMI's complete line of vibration switches can be found at:
May 2015
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