PCB Piezotronics - PRODUCT NEWS


High Range, High Resolution Miniature Accelerometer for Satellite Ground Vibration Testing

One Sensor Can Be Used for Multiple Applications: Sine, Random & Shaker Shock

PCB Piezotronics, Inc. - Designed for measuring vibration on small objects where mass loading and accuracy are a concern, PCB's new Model 352A57 miniature accelerometer weighs only 1.3 grams and is TEDS enabled. This sensor also offers a 2.5mV/g output over a wide 2000-g dynamic range along with a low noise resolution of 0.001grms. These characteristics are ideal in satellite component ground vibration testing for sine, random and shaker shock applications without the need to change out accelerometers for different measuring ranges. Model 352A57 is also hermetically sealed making it suitable for low outgassing thermal vacuum chamber environments.

The new Model 352A57 incorporates a shear mode ceramic element and an ICP® internal electronic design that provides a low noise, low impedance output while at the same time minimizing base strain and transverse sensitivity. The accelerometer has a side mounted 5-44 electrical coaxial connector and adhesive mounting.

The IEEE P1451.4 standard in the TEDS feature self-identifies the accelerometer and describes the type, operation and its attributes, making it extremely easy for the user to track. Examples of the data contained are manufacturer, model number, serial number, calibration date, sensitivity, frequency reference, high pass frequency, phase inversion, sensing axis, measurement ID and user data.

August 2015

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