Strainstall Ltd. - PRODUCT NEWS



Strainstall Monitoring announces a new capability for monitoring structures

Strainstall Monitoring enhances its capabilities with the addition of acoustic emission technology as a means of monitoring structures to detect damage.

Of specific interest to the bridge industry, acoustic emission technology can be applied to steel, concrete and composite structures and utilises an array of sensors to detect the release of stored strain energy as a result of a growing defect. The sensors then turn the detected wave into an electrical signal which can subsequently be analysed and interpreted. It can also be combined with other non-acoustic sensors to correlate physical parameters.

Typical applications include:

Detection of defects in large scale structures by global survelillance techniques using sensor arrays
Fatigue detection on steel structures
Defect determination in steel box section structures
Quickscan monitoring technqiues of assessment of bridge decks and expansion joints
Suspension and cable stay bridge structural monitoring
Suspension and cable stay bridge cable monitoring
Half joint monitoring
Bearing performance monitoring


July 2012

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