T & D Corporation - PRODUCT NEWS

Maintaining optimum temperature and humidity balance

Wireless data loggers simplify climatic control in complex facilities like shopping centers

Climatic conditions inside shopping centers are determined by lots of different, specific needs and demands, so they must be monitored accurately and sensitively. Entrance halls and shop floors, for instance, require different temperatures to closed spaces and shops with special purposes.

Outlets such as pharmacies, drugstores, food retailers and snack bars deal with delicate goods, so handling and storage conditions must be accurately documented in order to comply with legal requirements. One way of satisfying these demands is with T&D Corporation's wireless logging systems, such as the RTR-500 family.

These robust DIN EN 12830-approved loggers are each about the size of a matchbox and are resistant to both dust and water. They can be fixed easily wherever temperature control is necessary - even inside fridges and counters.

Up to 100 data loggers can be wirelessly connected with a base station. Thanks to their automated technology, which forwards measurements via WLAN, wired LAN, USB or GSM to T&D's cloud-based WebStorage Service, all documentation is stored safely without the need for manpower. Each registration comes with 20 MB of storage space, which is sufficient for comprehensive archiving.

Data can be managed remotely from a PC, smartphone or tablet, independent of time and location. Should a critical temperature be reached, the system relays an alert by SMS, e-mail and optical and acoustic signals via the app or external alarm device on site, allowing appropriate action to be taken before damage occurs.

About T&D Corporation:
The Japanese T&D Corporation was founded 1986 in Matsumoto. The company name derives from "try and develop" and emphasizes the company's ambition to create innovative products with a high degree of practical usefulness. Having started out developing electronic products mainly for the automotive aftermarket, today the company is the Japanese market leader for data loggers. A team of about 50 specialists are engaged in developing data logger systems for industrial, public and private demands. Production takes place in a high-tech site in Matsumoto, Japan, and since 2003, T&D Corporation has been exporting its wireless data loggers worldwide. The company is represented through a European Sales Office located in Niddatal near Frankfurt and a sales office in the USA.

For more information, please contact :-

T&D Corporation
European Sales Office
Minoru Ito
Gronauer Str. 1
61194 Niddatal
Tel.: +49 6034 93 09 70
Fax: +49 3212 68 41 958

December 2015

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