A simple breath of air brings control to a revolutionary hands-free fishing system

USA based Adaptive Creations faced many challenges while designing its Power Caster Fishing System for severely disabled persons. One such challenge was designing a Sip-and-Puff (SNP) system to allow reliable control of its revolutionary fully automated fishing machine.

The operator controls the rod casting and retrieval of the fishing line through a wheelchair mounted motorized actuator, and can even 'fight fish' with a system of three pressure sensors that respond to his inhaling and exhaling commands. With the pressure sensing elements clearly a key part of the fishing system, Ken Dvorchak, the designer and company founder contacted the DesignFlex division of the World Magnetics Company for a solution.

Represented in the UK by Variohm EuroSensor, this pressure switch manufacturer has over 50 years experience in SNP technology and recommend its patented shock and vibration approved PSF100A pressure switch.

This switch uses a design which eliminates false actuation in the harshest environment and is ideal for mounting in portable control devices. With a pressure, vacuum and differential pressure range down to 0.5” H20, this lightweight miniature and low cost switch senses even the slightest of breaths and is the perfect solution for low pressure switching applications.

June 2012

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