Design improvements for crop dusters: World Magnetics pressure switches keep on spraying

Technological improvements involving World Magnetics’ DesignFlex pressure switches come in all shapes and sizes and nowhere are they better demonstrated than with the USA based crop-dusting innovator Earls’ Flying Service.

For nearly forty years this small but dynamic Company has pioneered improvements in aerial spraying that have become industry standards such as advanced gate controller design for fertiliser economy and GPS guided spraying for improved farmland productivity . Its latest development was to find a better way to determine when the airplane runs out of fertilizer.

Word Magnetics, represented exclusively in the UK by Variohm EuroSensor, were contacted by Earls’ to help specify a suitable pressure switch for the hopper-empty notification system. They required a pressure switch that could accurately work down to a few millibars but be durable enough to perform in the hostile conditions experienced on an agricultural crop duster.

DesignFlex specified the high current PSF103 series and its comprehensive range is so flexible, Earls’ were able to choose the exact pressure port arrangement, diaphragm material, adjustment range and set point to meet their specific needs. With a working life in excess of 10 million cycles, this snap-action switch is mounted in a tough moulded polycarbonate housing and has a proven success across thousands of applications in industry, agriculture, aerospace and defence.

Variohm EuroSensor designs, manufactures or sources a comprehensive range of sensor technologies for linear and rotary position, load, force, vibration and temperature measurement in demanding applications throughout industry, agriculture, construction, autosports, aerospace and research.

April 2015

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