VEGA Apps, Tools and more!

VEGA have developed and launched a new product, its free and available now for your 'smart' phone or device. The App is called 'VEGA Tools', this multi-platform 'tool' enables access numerous to utilities revolving around VEGA instruments and services, so you can get help and information right where you need it.

The first function available for your smart device is 'Instrument Search'. This automatically provides the instruments' information and operating manuals. Additionally, if you register, it offers instrument-specific documentation and certificates, also updates on new Apps as they arrive. This App works by enabling the device camera to scan the bar code or data matrix (QR) code on the VEGA sensor, or you can type-in the serial number found beneath the bar code, inside the housing, or stored in the transmitter electronics. (Remember to only use smart devices in plant areas that are designated or checked as safe to use)

These Apps, with more to come, are designed to provide convenient help to the VEGA instrument user and customer, available anytime, anywhere, for faster, more accurate device information. You can download them at the Apple App and Google Play Store, as a free-of-charge download.

If you don't have a smart phone or tablet, you can use VEGA tools at, which offers the same functionality and information, with serial number input. Or it can be accessed via FDT/DTM PACTware when connected to both instrument and internet.

For more information, please contact :-

VEGA Controls Ltd
Kendal House, Victoria Way, West Sussex, RH15 9NF United Kingdom
Tel +44 1444 870055
Fax +44 1444 870080

August 2012

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