New VEGA level sensor reaches parts others can't!
Another success for high frequency contactless radar level sensor
E&JW Glendinning is the largest independent supplier of quarry and concrete products both to the trade and direct to the end user in Devon and Cornwall. It is still wholly owned by the founders' families and many family members remain actively involved in the day to day running of the business - reflecting their belief in self-reliance and independence. Over recent years, they have embarked upon an expansive programme of modernisation and automation, creating a state-of-the-art aggregates processing and supply facilities, which is essential to their business goals and to compete in the modern aggregates market.
As part of this, E&JW Glendinning need high-tech sensor solutions to deliver the automation and control philosophy they are seeking. They make high demands on equipment to get the best performance out of their plant. The secondary crusher at the heart of the screening and grading plant in the quarry is typical of this requirement. The feed hopper above it is a critical process control point, this is where the majority of aggregate comes through at some stage. It is a noisy, dusty environment, with unpredictable flow patterns and material behaviours. The crusher itself is capable of processing up to 400 tonnes an hour and the whole plant 4000 tonnes a day. With this level of throughput, its vitally important to get accurate information and control to optimise productivity, energy consumption and product quality from the crusher. Originally, as is the case with most sites in the sector, non contact ultrasonic level sensors were installed. However, the noise, dust and product build up regularly delivered unreliable performance for the control they required. Instead of an analogue indication of the level in the feed, it was more a series of step changes from low to high and back again, as the reflected echo signals came and went, or they would fail safe high through loss of echo. This single measurement problem resulted in regular production halts, poor process and energy management and resets of the sensors to clear the problem. The ultrasonic units required regular maintenance: from cleaning transducers, adjusting angles and tweaking software to try and make them perform as they wanted.
Figure 2: Crusher hopper and the crusher it feeds in the foreground
The engineers needed to improve the performance of the plant to a level both they and their customers need for this busy quarry. With this in mind, they turned to VEGA to trial one of their new VEGAPULS 69 radar level sensors in this tricky, critical control point. In detail the application consists of; a feed hopper over 8 m high and around 5 m square at the bottom two sides slope down onto a central crusher feed. The hopper can be fed from any one of three different conveyors, which can be simultaneous, and the stone size feeding in can be from dust up to 250 mm, as the majority comes from the primary crushing plant. Inside the feed silo it gets a heavy build up of stone on the shoulders of the coned section, forming a narrower rat hole to the bottom. This material rarely moves, so it was important for the sensor to be able to reliably read down past this point.
The VEGAPULS 69 was installed in the existing mounting position of the ultrasonic sensor, very close to the main infeed into the bunker. It was commissioned by the plug-in programmer on the top of the device. As soon as it was installed on the empty silo, with no extra adjustments, the sensor was able to read right down to the bottom of the bin to the outlet conveyor, which boded well. Then, with just a few minor adjustments to optimise the performance of the sensor and its output, the radar has worked successfully without incident for over 3 months, providing a smooth level output to enable operators to effectively control crusher throughput and the conveyor speeds. This has been done without the need for extra maintenance work and a reduction in downtime caused by measurement problems, a first for this area of the process.
Figure 3: Radar mounted under floor into hopper with PLICSCOM plug in programmer/display fitted
Figure 4: The top of the hopper with 3 in-feed conveyors the floor mounting cover of the radar can just be seen in front of the central feed
So why is this radar so different? VEGAPULS 69 works with very highly focused 79GHz microwaves, not sound waves, to provide a very small beam angle (3.5°), along with optimised sensor performance for solids handling. This, combined with radars natural immunity to inflight dust, filling noise and air turbulence, means it promises to be one of the most capable and versatile solids level sensors ever. Already proving itself in a number of difficult applications like this one, where unmeasurable applications are now being successfully solved.
The site engineer said We like VEGA sensors, as we install them, fit them and they get on with their job. We don't have to keep going back with minor tweaks, He added, We also like the continuity of the programming system, its pretty much the same for the radar sensors as the pressure transmitters, which we use in other areas of the plant. All that is needed to set a sensor up is the PLICSCOM display/programmer that simply slots onto the housing that enables access all of the information and gets a sensor up and running quickly and easily. We only need one programmer for all devices and the similar menu structure means the familiarity of operation allows us to quickly get sensors set up without having to keep going back to tweak them, also not having to constantly refer to the operating manuals. we all know thats the last resort for any engineer!.
As a result, E&JW Glendinning personnel are confident enough of the radar devices performance, that they have embarked upon a schedule of installing them across the plant, replacing ultrasonic sensors. By standardising on this non-contact level radar which, although is it a little more expensive to purchase for some applications, it has quickly shown a payback in reduced maintenance, outages and increased productivity. If, like this customer did, you would like to try before you buy, contact VEGA for a demonstration or a trial on your application. Whats stopping you changing the way you measure bulk solids level?
For more information, please contact :-
VEGA Controls Ltd
Kendal House, Victoria Way, West Sussex, RH15 9NF United Kingdom
Tel +44 1444 870055
Fax +44 1444 870080
July 2015
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