Sensors light enough for bees

Cambridge-based sensors company Zettlex usually makes position and speed sensors for applications such as armoured fighting vehicles, industrial robots, oil and gas installations and radar systems.

So when the company received an enquiry about a sensor to measure the motion of bumble-bees, it was intrigued to say the least. Mark Howard, Zettlex General Manager comments: "At first I thought it might be one of my pals playing a practical joke, but when we found out more about the bumble-bee hive application, we were very keen to be involved."

Nik Sargent, a local bumble-bee researcher was carrying out research on hive activity and needed to monitor and count the bumble-bees as they entered and left the hive. He states: "There was a big problem with all the traditional sensor techniques - they were simply too big and bulky. However, the great thing about Zettlex's technology was that we were able to use a position sensor that was so light and sensitive it could easily be activated by a bumble-bee. Because Zettlex sensors are inductive they are not adversely affected by the outdoor conditions such as dust, pollen and honey residue."

"We're not planning a big marketing campaign to capture a slice of the bee-keeping market - but we're delighted that our technology has proven useful for the research project," concludes Mark Howard.

September 2012

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